Who We Are

I have been wanting to go the gym since I turned 13, however was stopped from doing so by my mom who was convinced that lifting weights would stunt my height and prevent my development. It took a lot of research and talking to people from different backgrounds like my paedriatian, my orthopaedic surgeon, my fitness coach etc to be able to finally convince my mom to allow me to follow a fitness regime and to weight train.

The entire process of researching and convincing my family took a lot of time and effort as I didn't find all my answers in one place. Every query had me spending hours on the Internet and reaching out to people, who were not necessarily free when I reached out to them.

It was this time consuming activity that prompted me to start this blog and to put the research that I did and my conversations with people in one place.

I am sure with the articles in this blog, you will surely get the insight to proceed confidently with your physical fitness and to convince your parents and guardian that you are training responsibly
