The Very First One....

The Very First One....

Roughly a year ago was the first time I lifted a dumbbell, picking it up and curling it, left me with an adrenaline rush, that had me keep coming back to the gym every day, with my dad for more. 

At that time, I was curling 4kgs per hand, but the weight did not matter. The more important thing for me was that I felt I was doing something for my physical health rather than just spending my time endlessly scrolling through gym videos.

I started this practice with my father, who had been doing this for some time now and taught me everything I know. However, as this activity became more frequent I had everyone around me,especially my mother telling me to stop lifting as they were worried that I would remain short and or would injure myself.

It was this anxiety that sparked my quest to get to know about lifting and exercising in the teenage years. I surfed through endless websites reaching every nook and corner of the internet, but could not find a lot of substance, causing the points made by my mother as well as others around me to make more sense than anything I could find on the internet.

But gradually, after a while and after speaking to a few specialists in the field my mother finally warmed up to the idea and very soon I was hitting the gym quite a few times a week.

All this brings us to this blog, LIFTLIKETEENS, where I along with a team of specialists seek to provide you with the best fitness advice for teenagers. The articles that are going to be published will cover a wide variety of tips, questions, and myth-busting all to allow you, the reader, to convince yourself and the people around you to let you lift, and most of all guide you through your journey.

Furthermore, this blog will also highlight ways to exercise in case you do not have access to a gym and will talk about the various aspects associated with lifting like eating healthy. These blogs are also written under the guidance of professionals and all of the advice will be either direct quotes or inferences made from our interaction with these specialists so you can easily count on them for its legitimacy. 

Finally, tag along with us as we begin this venture to help you start your very own fitness journey