The triceps are one of the most important parts to train. Covering a major portion of your arm, the triceps are essential to a fit and strong body, and they are one of my favorite muscles to train. 

Training the triceps, like every other exercise in the gym, must always start with less weight and more repetitions since excess weight can cause long-term consequences, so while performing any of the exercises written below start by picking up the lightest dumbbell available or putting the pin all the way up, and once you have gotten the form right slowly increase the weight.

Now, here is a quick run-down of the tricep exercises I do

Tricep Pushdown

Step 1: Start by attaching a rope or a bar to a cable machine, and then selecting an appropriate weight.

Step 2: Keep your feet a foot’s distance away from each otherwhile keeping your core engaged and your back firm.

Step 3: Then, push the rope/bar down, and keep your elbows locked to your body. As you perform the movement try to slow it down to ensure proper form and an optimum effect.

Step 4: Finally, remember to exhale as you move the weight downwards and inhale as you take it back up. Repeat the same for 12-15 repetitions.


Tricep Extensions

Step 1: Start by picking up an appropriate dumbbell or setting a cable machine to an appropriate weight.

Step 2:  Keep your feet a little wider than your shoulders, and like always, keep your core engaged, back firm, and knees soft.

Step 3: Look straight and then lift the weight above your head while keeping your chin away from your chest.

Step 4: From there, you need to lower your arm behind your shoulder and then extend the arm up straight. While doing this ensure that you inhale as you go down and exhale as you go up. 

This exercise can be performed with either both arms together or with each arm individually. When performing the movement with both hands place the weight between the index finger and thumb of both arms.

Reverse Tricep Pushdown

Step 1: Start by attaching a rope to a cable and selecting an appropriate weight.

Step 2: Pull the rope and take a step forward so to keep one leg in front of the other. Keep the leg in front soft and slightly bent while the leg at the back is straight.

Step 3: Then, bend your back in front and push the weight forward while exhaling, and move your arms backward while inhaling.

The reverse tricep pushdown is a great beginner exercise but as you progress I highly recommend doing a similar movement called skull crushers (a much cooler sounding name) with dumbbells or a barbell by lying on a bench and extending your arms over your head 

Finally, go ahead and put these exercises into action by starting with light weights. You may see people around you full-stack these exercises, but never let that be a reason for you to increase the weight your using, and never forget to enjoy training the triceps.