Have you ever looked in a mirror and felt that all your working out has no effect on your body? That, after spending hours at the gym weightlifting everyday, you don't see 'gains'? This feeling is something known as 'body dysmorphia'. Especially  with the advent of social media, seeing all these perfect influencers with their 'perfect body' and 'perfect workout routine', it's normal for teens to have unrealistic expectations from their weightlifting journey. It is this expectation that converts dedication into an obsession, until it finally manifests itself in the form of body dysmorphia.

  Body dysmorphia, in its essence feels like your brain decides to zoom in on your flaws with a magnifying glass, and no matter how much progress you make, it's never enough. It can creep up on you anytime,anywhere and wreak complete havoc on your self esteem and mental wellbeing. There have been numerous studies linking body dysmorphia with high levels of anxiety in teens which means students have an awful time concentrating in school. It can sometimes also lead to social withdrawal and feelings of hopelessness.

Body dysmorphia is also often characterized by a risk to your physical health, as teens often end up adopting unhealthy measures such as restrictive eating or even abusing steroids to achieve their ideal body.

The key to overcoming this is firstly recognizing when it starts to take over and reaching out for support. Whether it's talking to a friend, a family member, or even a professional. It is crucial for you to know that you’re not alone in this and there is support available at every step of the way!

Bodybuilding is a slow and steady  process that takes years to gave stable results. So, to all of you out there, the next time you check yourself out in the mirror and feel like your workouts aren’t working, remember, you are so much more than your physical appearance. Strenth is measured from within and not from what you see in the mirror!